Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday - June 18, 2009

Oh, how I don't like rainy cold days in June. It is suppose to be warm and sunny, instead today it's cold and dreary. The weather also makes for a rough day at work since the kids can't get outside. I am wrapping up my work load, trying to get my desk ready for my mini-leave.

Last night I attended a support group meeting at Barix. It is very interesting getting to know people who have or are living through obesity and changing the journey of their lives. I enjoy hearing the others talk about their ups and downs and others supporting them and helping them through the tough times. WOW, that will be me in just four days. I am determined, confident and excited. I have come to a point in my life that I need a challenge and this seems like the perfect opportunity to take the dive. This week I said good-by to Chinese food, hamburgers, onion rings and m&m cookies. It has been reassuring to think through these challenges and realize just how much and how awful I have eaten for the past 30 years.

I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday to look and feel this way, then Monday I will recieve the tool of an egg sized stomache and be able to enjoy food and taste in a new way. I am ready and I thank God for giving me strength and endurance.


  1. Proud of you Sheri!!!!! Stay determined! Love you! Mom

  2. Hi Sheri:

    I wanted to join your Blog and be a support for you as you start your new journey in life.
    I am at your mom's for a few days and as always enjoying myself.

    Good luck and I will be here for you.

